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Uncategorized Soul Care

Soul Care

Is anyone else like me??? I play scenarios over and over in my head. The kind of thing where I second guess myself, or go over the “if I had done it this” or “that” way a thousand different times. I find lately that I am often playing over one area of my life that …

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Uncategorized Created to be Creative

Created to be Creative

Inspiration comes in many forms and influence us in varying ways. Is there someone that comes to mind when you think about who inspires or moves you? For me, there are people who inspire me and I want to be more like them.  However, there seems to be more inspiration for me when I see …

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Books Read 2024 Book Reading – “The Life We Bury” by Allen Eskens

2024 Book Reading – “The Life We Bury” by Allen Eskens

The Life We Bury by Allen Eskens This book interested me because I thought it would be a story about how we have times when we regret choices and want to forget our past. ✔Read January 2024: The book “The Life We Bury” by Allen Eskens was full of twists and turns. I was immediately …

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Books Read 2024 Book Reading – “The Sweetness of Forgetting” by Kristin Harmel

2024 Book Reading – “The Sweetness of Forgetting” by Kristin Harmel

Finally, 2024 is here!  2023 was an extremely hard year. Too much transition and loss.  I am praying 2024 is a year of reflection and emphasis on finding ways to enjoy things I like. This year I am going to enjoy more reading.  I have seen others post their year end celebrations of reaching a …

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Uncategorized Say What?…

Say What?…

Say What? Sometimes you hear something that causes you to question what you heard, causing a “say what?” moment!  I recently had a doctor’s visit and was told that due to celiac disease that I need to switch to a gluten free diet. Now for some of you this might be a simple step, but …

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Uncategorized Time for a Reset ~ by Christina

Time for a Reset ~ by Christina

Reset… WOAH! Where has time gone?  The last post on here is dated December of 2020! Do you ever just find you get to a point and you turn around and look at where you were back then, and where you are today, and just find yourself asking “where did all the time go”?  That’s …

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Uncategorized Blurred Joy ~ by Christina

Blurred Joy ~ by Christina

Joy. It’s always an option but sometimes it’s hard to choose joy when circumstances or emotions get in the way. This year we have all experienced some hardship, especially in light of how covid-19 has effected us. Normal life has its ups and downs and finding joy in the midst of hard times can seem …

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Uncategorized Ten ~ by Christina

Ten ~ by Christina

Here are 10 Reasons that 10 is so important Ten is the highest score possible in Olympic competitions. A woman’s total height is approximately 10 times the length of her hand. Crabs have 10 legs The Prime Minister lives at No.10 Downing Street The Ten Commandments are crucial to Judaism and Christianity Number ten symbolizes …

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Uncategorized Tidbit Thoughts & Don’t Forget the Cross ~ by Susan

Tidbit Thoughts & Don’t Forget the Cross ~ by Susan

Dad and I need a relationship. We have not learned to communicate well. One of us is a talker and the other can’t believe there is an issue. Young love is exciting! Marriage is an adventure! Raising children is a formidable task that takes all of our energy and we still don’t get it right. …

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