Blurred Joy ~ by Christina

Blurred Joy ~ by Christina

Joy. It’s always an option but sometimes it’s hard to choose joy when circumstances or emotions get in the way.

This year we have all experienced some hardship, especially in light of how covid-19 has effected us. Normal life has its ups and downs and finding joy in the midst of hard times can seem almost impossible, but it can be found. Joy is one of those internal treasures that when we choose to find it, it is right there within our grasp. We have to adjust the focus of our lens, our thinking, to bring it into focus sometimes; but that’s the beauty of joy… It’s always there if we focus and choose it.

This season when we celebrate Jesus, remember he is the reason for the season. Because in him joy is waiting and available to us even through difficulty and sad life circumstances.

The circumstances change but the truth of Jesus Christ, our savior, remains. He is in control and in him we can see clearly.  Joy gets blurry because of life’s hard times, but be assured if you look through the blurriness you will find joy.

Even though we are struggling, continue to find the internal joy that becomes more in focus as we claim it as our own.

I pray all of you have a Merry Christmas and are filled with the clarity of joy that is offered to you if you choose it.


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