Tidbit Thoughts & Don’t Forget the Cross ~ by Susan
Dad and I need a relationship.
We have not learned to communicate well.
One of us is a talker and the other can’t believe there is an issue.
Young love is exciting!
Marriage is an adventure!
Raising children is a formidable task that takes all of our energy and we still don’t get it right.
Empty nest. I’m still concerned with the children’s welfare and now…retirement.
Alone and together. A strange combination. We stare into each other’s face, and I think, “who are you”? Didn’t I marry you 20. 25. 38 years ago?
We need help! I need help! As I said, one of us doesn’t think there are problems and stares at me and says …. “What?”
What problem?
Is there a problem?
Am I overthinking things?
Am I overreacting?
Do I “put up and be quiet”, and turn around and go my merry way? Doesn’t that attitude grow indifference?
I thought these retirement years were “Golden”! Sometimes these days are lonely. Sometimes I want to run away.
I think I retired too soon.
God knows me. He has plans for me, for His purpose, to will and to act according to a His plan!
I am reminded of His plan, His sovereignty over me, His grace to me, His everlasting love for me! It is sweet as honey. I can rest and not question Him. God knows me and He died on the cross for me and my sins were on Him and I am wiped clean with His blood!
Dad and I will continue to work on our relationship. We will continue to put God on the throne of our home. God knows me and it’s not about me, it’s about God, His plan, His Kingdom, and His Glory!
Thank you Jesus!
This is wisdom from Oswald Chambers. Author of the devotional “My Utmost for His Highest”:“Am I getting nobler, better, more helpful, more humble, as I get older? Am I exhibiting the life that men take knowledge of as having been with Jesus, or am I getting more self assertive, more deliberately determined to have my own way? It is a great thing to tell yourself the truth.”