Tuning In ~ by Danielle
Well hey there, I’m Danielle! I am a wife, mother, registered nurse, Army veteran, and daughter of Christ. I homeschool my 6 year old son. And for more information about me you will have to check back in for future blogs. For now, I leave you with some rambling thoughts…
Why do we need a virus to do some social distancing? When fear is removed and faith is put in its place, our day to day options are limitless. But with the ease and access to the people around us, and far away, we are overwhelmed socially!
Even if we physically distance ourselves from physical interaction, our brains are still engaged socially. We are staring into the lives of people we know deeply, people we have met once or twice, and some people we’ve never met at all. All of those OPTIONS! So many people doing so many things – I want to do those things! I want those experiences! Have you felt that overwhelming urge to do something because you saw a beautiful picture, or read an interesting story? I know I have! Time and time again, I find myself staring into my phone at people’s stories and lives. It does have the quality to inspire, but I spend too much time staring and wishing and not doing. How much of what I do is from my own original creativity, my own thoughts, my own dreams? I desire to be who God created me to be, and how can I do that if my influence does not come from him? How can I seek Christ out if I have already filled the corners of my mind with people… tons and tons of people!
So what do I do with that? Socially I LOVE people, I was created to love people! I truly believe God designed me to have people in my life. How can I be the best version of myself? How can I have people in my life in a healthy fashion?
This of course will look different for everyone, but for me there are a few things I know help me rely less on myself, and more on my creator:
- Start my day in prayer and worship (I am consistently horrible about setting aside this time, many times this happens in the bathroom…sorry if TMI).
- Listen to worship music throughout my day.
- Go outside, observe nature.
- Go fishing (this is a newer hobby, but the joy it brings is so good).
- Be prayerful while teaching Clay (I can lose my patience so easily when I am relying on myself
- Do something creative, even if that means something as simple as cooking something a little different than usual. I also enjoy drawing, painting and prayer journaling.
- Stay off my phone, specifically social media! (this has been the heaviest weight on my heart. God seems to be constantly trying to remind me of how this is not the healthiest way for me to be social).
- Fight the desire to just be lazy, this is a weird balance, (because rest is good) but I find my tendency is to “curl into a ball” when times are tough (I know that is not what God has for me).
- Text or call family and friends, and actually find out how people are really doing (I’m also not GREAT at this, but another spot God is nudging my heart, igniting an intentional desire).
- What is it that helps you stay grounded and in tune with our Creator?
- What do you feel God tugging at your heart about?
- How will you fight the temptations to waste this time we are given (especially in light of 🦠 COVID-19 and the restrictions it has created) ?
I hope these ramblings have not wasted your truly precious time, but have stirred some thoughts you may have weighing on your heart too.
God bless you, and I pray that He draws you closer than ever during these difficult times, and that while social distancing you can find your heart, your goals, your identity in Christ and that you can just simply breathe!
2 Replies to “Tuning In ~ by Danielle”
Danielle, what great questions and suggestions for tuning in to our Creator. Thank you!
Your warmth comes out in your writing. Well done!